Scanning the firehose of new electronic kits and modules coming from the usual Chinese suppliers can be a rewarding experience,...
The UK and Ireland Contest Club DX SSB Contest starts at 1200UTC on Saturday, 31 August and runs until 1200UTC...
RSGB President John McCullagh, GI4BWM and RSGB Director Ben Lloyd, GW4BML will be teaming up to ascend and activate the...
While the Fourier transform gets all the attention, there are other transforms that engineers and mathematicians use to transform signals...
Today, Sunday 5 February, the 432MHz Affiliated Societies Contest runs from 0900 to 1300UTC. Using all modes, the exchange is...
Paul G7PUV has tweeted a video of his 40 MHz SSB contact with Willem ZS6WAB in Polokwane, South Africa On Saturday, September 17,...
Amateur or “ham” radio is a method of two-way communication. At first glance, it resembles Citizen’s Band (CB) radio or...
In the old days, a shortwave radio was a major desk fixture. These days, you can get truly diminutive radios....
Talking about this Chinese ham radio transceiver requires a veritable flurry of acronyms: HF, SSB, QRP, and SDR to start...
When sat down to design a sideband transceiver for the 20 Meter (14 MHz) ham radio band, he eschewed the...
Release Date: November 13, 2021 Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week's...
On the occasion of the Christmas season, Raymond PA5DX, Wijnand PD8DX and Ramona PD9YL will activate three special callsigns: PA21XMAS, PD21SANTA and PD22HNY The...
Release Date: October 30, 2021 Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week's...
With the push to having most of a radio receiver as part of a PC, it might seem odd to...
Release Date: September 25, 2021 Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week's...
The Youngsters On The Air team, has been working on a new YOTA Contest. The first of three sessions will...
The semiannual Radio Club of America (RCA) QSO Party takes place on May 8. “Band conditions are still not their...