While classroom learning isn’t for everyone, one awesome benefit of the Internet is that you have a variety of college...
Unless you hold a First Degree RF Wizard rating, chances are good that coax stubs seem a bit baffling to...
Sometimes antennas can seem like black magic. However, when you see things like a dish antenna, it sort of makes...
Dirty little secret time: although amateur radio operators talk a good game about relishing the technical challenge of building their...
Pakistan has long been recognised for its nuclear and missile capabilities but the country is still lagging in many areas,...
HF radios often use toroidal transformers and winding them is a rite of passage for many RF hackers. received a...
Frequency bands within the electromagnetic spectrum have multiple, sometimes confusing, overlapping designations. Electronics engineers must deal with the electromagnetic spectrum...
The world of microwave RF design appears to the uninitiated to be full of unimaginably exotic devices, as engineers harness...
When you think old school handheld games, you probably imagine something like Nintendo’s Game Boy line or the Sega Game...
Like a lot of hams, wanted an “on the air” sign. These signs often connect to a PTT switch or...
The FCC has adopted guidelines and procedures for evaluating environmental effects of RF emissions. Under the new FCC rules, some...