Release Date: September 21, 2024 Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week's...
This is a 1-hour version of the weekly podcast for This Week in Amateur Radio. For the full version please...
Icom IC-V82 handheld transceivers designed for amateur radio use have been identified as the latest device to deliver deadly explosions...
Regarding current media reports Earlier today in worldwide media, there have been reports that two-way radio devices bearing the Icom...
The Japanese manufacturer whose name was on handheld radios that exploded in Lebanon said Thursday that it had discontinued the...
Release Date: September 7, 2024 Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week's...
This is a 1-hour version of the weekly podcast for This Week in Amateur Radio. For the full version please...
In this edition: * Seven Cubesats Deploy From ISS * AMSAT Mail Alias Service to End — FINAL NOTICE! *...
JVC Kenwood Corporation exhibited a new 144/430MHz band car transceiver (compatible with APRS/D-STAR) at the Ham Fair 2024, which began...
Via Google Translate: Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd. exhibited the new portable radio "FTX-1F" that supports all modes (including C4FM digital)...
2024.08.24 The IC-7760, A New Innovative Shack StyleFull Control Head with Separate RF Deck Icom Inc. proudly announces the release...
Release Date: June 29, 2024 Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week's...
This is a 1-hour version of the weekly podcast for This Week in Amateur Radio. For the full version please...
Release Date: June 8, 2024 Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week's...
This is a 1-hour version of the weekly podcast for This Week in Amateur Radio. For the full version please...
AMSAT News Service ANS-063 March 3, 2024 In this edition: ARISS 40th Anniversary Celebration Held at Kennedy Space Center AMSAT-Francophone...
Radio Shack had a long history of buying things overseas, having their name slapped on them, and selling them in...
Prolific DXpedition leader, ARRL Maxim Society member, and former Chair of the ARRL DX Advisory Committee, Robert C. “Bob” Allphin,...
Release Date: September 9, 2023 Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week's...
In this edition: * Astronaut Hams Complete ISS Crew Transition * AMSAT SA Space Symposium to be Held Online *...
Release Date: June 24, 2023 Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week's... ICOM announced the new IC-905 VHF/UHF/Microwave transceiver at the Tokyo Ham Fair which is taking place this weekend August...
Japan's The Mainichi carried a good promotional article about amateur radio The newspaper highlighted the increase in membership of the...
Release Date: July 2, 2022 Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week's...
3D2AJT is the special callsign that Dom, 3D2USU will be using for one month from Nadi in the Fiji Islands...