In the days following the 7.8 magnitude earthquake and aftershocks that hit Turkey and Syria on February 6, 2023, emergency...
The 3Y0J team has arrived and begun operations on Bouvet Island. The conditions have been difficult and the team is...
It was the type of surprise not felt since a few decades back when Crayola had the bright idea to...
The ARRL Foundation is now accepting applications for grants to amateur radio organizations. The grants program awards limited funding to...
Today we have a really special news item for you! We have a guest post made by Christian Harris from...
In the old days, scanners would listen to a bunch of channels in a round-robin fashion. If a signal breaks...
On Monday evening February 6, 2023, there was a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that mainly affected Turkey and Syria but also...
Ham Radio Outlet (HRO) announced that it will be closing its San Diego location. Its last day will be February...
AMSAT NEWS SERVICE ANS-036 In this edition: * AO-95 QRT * VUCC Satellite Standings as of February 1, 2023 *...
The following news post is from Carlos Alberto Santamaría González, CO2JC, the Emergency Coordinator, for Region 2 of the the...
Release Date: February 4, 2023 Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week's...
Today, Sunday 5 February, the 432MHz Affiliated Societies Contest runs from 0900 to 1300UTC. Using all modes, the exchange is...
The RSGB has just released another presentation from its 2022 Convention. Brian Coleman, G4NNS talks about The UK Meteor Beacon Project which is...
Special event station GB0CFG will be active from 16 February. The station will be operated by Itchen Valley Amateur Radio...
Emmanuel, F5LIT plans to be active as HS0ZPU from Thailand until Monday 6 February. QSL via Logbook of the World...
The ARRL Atlantic Division has new leadership. Tom Abernethy, W3TOM, who had served as an ARRL Director, representing the Atlantic...
One of the great things about the Hackaday community is how quickly you find out what you don’t know. That’s...
Every project these days that involves detecting speech seems built around complicated algorithms: machine learning, pattern matching, and spectrum analysis...
he microstrip antenna is a convenient, planar, easy-to-fabricate antenna with some attractive attributes and features, as well as some distinct...
We are delighted to announce that, as part of our Coronation celebration activities, Ofcom has approved “R” as the optional...
The microstrip antenna is a convenient, planar, easy-to-fabricate antenna with some attractive attributes and features, as well as some distinct...
AIs can now apparently carry on a passable conversation, depending on what you classify as passable conversation. The quality of...
The Internet has allowed us to communicate more easily than ever before, and thanks to modern cell-phone networks, we don’t...
The Missouri S&T Amateur Radio Club, W0EEE, at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T), is gearing up for...
The RCA CR-88 was a radio receiver made to work in top-secret government eavesdropping stations. As you might expect, these radios are...