RSGB member Jim, GM4NTL reached out to his local RSGB District Representative for some assistance in rebuilding his antenna ‘farm’ and...
Radio Society of Great Britain
The RSGB response to the Ofcom Consultation Updating the amateur radio licensing framework has been submitted and is published on our website Our...
RSGB Board Chair, Stewart Bryant, G3YSX has accepted the resignation from the Board of Ian Shepherd, G4EVK and thanks him...
International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend (ILLW) is coming up soon. The event is usually held on the third weekend of...
The RSGB Intruder Watch Service is looking for a volunteer to act as coordinator when Richard Lamont, G4DYA retires from...
The Society has responded to an Ofcom consultation on licensing Enhanced Long-Range Navigation (eLoran) systems. This would use a new network of...
From 31 July 2023, you should not apply non-barcoded stamps with Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s image to any mail....
The RSGB’s Examinations and Syllabus Review Group (ESRG) has provided an additional set of four mock exam papers. These cover Foundation, Intermediate,...
We’re delighted to announce that we will be holding our annual RSGB Convention from 13 – 15 October at Kents Hill...
A reminder now that International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend is coming up soon. The event is usually held on the...
As part of the RSGB’s commitment to encourage youngsters into amateur radio and to support lifelong learning, the Society is providing...
The UK has been awarded the hosting rights for the 10th World Radiosport Team Championships (WRTC), which will take place...
“I regret to announce that Jonathan Groves, M0VRI has decided to resign from the Board to focus on other activities....
Each RSGB Board Director has a liaison role between the Board and specific aspects of the Society’s work. The General...
A new amateur TV display has just been installed at the RSGB National Radio Centre, with signals received via the wide-band...
The team from hi-impact, based on the Wirral, is planning another high-altitude balloon launch. This time, working alongside staff and...
Radio amateurs are reminded that the special call sign GB23C, used to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III and...
Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 2 July 2023...
Today, Sunday 2 July, is Alexanderson Day and the Alexander Association plans to activate the Grimeton VLF transmitter. The transmitter...
An Ofcom consultation called Updating the Amateur Radio Licensing Framework opened on Friday, 23 June 2023. According to Ofcom, the proposals set out in...
National Coding Week has been run for many years in the third week of September. Coding is used increasingly in...
The RSGB has released two further Convention 2022 presentations. In the first, Noel Matthews, G8GTZ provides an introduction to the challenges...
The Radio Society of Great Britain is delighted to announce that Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan has chosen to...
Since 2011, the Bath Based Distance Learning (BBDL) team has helped nearly 1,000 students to obtain their Full licence. Student feedback...
RSGB President, John McCullagh, GI4BWM received a warm welcome when he attended the IRTS AGM gala dinner recently. He talked about the...