WRC-23 has reached the halfway point, including progress on 23cm, but then included a raft of meetings over the weekend...
Radio Society of Great Britain
The latest RSGB 2023 Convention video to be released is three presentations in one, on the topic of 23cms. Barry Lewis,...
Meetings continued on Tuesday and Wednesday on various items including 23cm, Radar Sounders and Space weather. Chairing the long and...
Week-2 of WRC-23 started with a 9am meeting of the AI-9.1b, 23cm topic, followed by 40-50MHz radar sounders. The latest...
WRC-23 finished its first week with all current agenda items underway and an early discussion on new ones for WRC27/31....
The first week of the 2023 ITU World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) has seen discussions get underway on a wide variety...
Wednesday (Day-3) saw the start of the discussions on Agenda-Item 9.1b – regarding Radio Navigation Satellites and Amateur Radio in...
WRC23 Day-2 saw the conference structure launch working groups and subgroups, as individual agenda items got underway and documents introduced....
Monday November 20 saw a hugely well attended opening ceremony, speeches and initial plenaries as WRC-23 got underway. Around 3500+...
In the latest RSGB 2023 Convention presentation to be released, RSGB Spectrum Forum Chair Murray Niman, G6JYB provides another informative session...
Final preparations are nearly complete for the opening of the 2023 World Radio Conference (WRC-23) at the large Dubai World Trade Centre...
The World Radio Conference (WRC-23) opens on Monday, 20 November 2023. Over the coming four weeks a wide variety of agenda items...
As part of its commitment to outreach and the growth of amateur radio, the RSGB has released a presentation from...
Following four years of preparation, the ITU 2023 World Radio Conference (WRC-23) is at hand. RSGB is attending as part of the...
Now the nights are drawing in, don’t forget about the RSGB Construction Competition. To enable members across the country—and even...
“This presentation is a story of learning-as-I-went-along with the Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) mode within the WSJT-X digital communications...
The presentation Aimed at newcomers to contesting, this presentation will explore how contesting began, explain why it is rewarding and...
Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) month is taking place in December. This means you have just over one month to think...
If you are thinking of taking an amateur radio exam before Christmas, there are two important dates you need to...
RSGB Board Chair, Stewart Bryant, G3YSX has announced two changes to Board Liaison roles: Ben Lloyd, GW4BML will have Director...
RSGB 2023 Convention livestream The Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) is holding its annual Convention from October 13 to...
RadCom Basics Editor Lee Aldridge, G4EJB has retired Over the past few years, Lee has been instrumental in making RadCom Basics a success....
RSGB Board Director, Ben Lloyd, GW4BML, and recognised Mountain Goat will be attempting to activate ten summits on remote Scottish islands over...
At the RSGB 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) the RSGB Honorary Treasurer, Chris Wood, GD6TWF said he would provide an update on...
The RSGB Board has chosen four strategic priorities for the Society to focus on until the 2024 AGM. These are: Growth of amateur radio...