Since the very beginning, solid-propellants have been the cornerstone of amateur rocketry. From the little Estes rocket picked up from...
wanted an Everything Presence Lite kite but found it was always out of stock. Therefore, he decided to create his...
The simple definition of a mean is that of a numeric quantity which represents the center of a collection of...
For decades, the magnetic stripe has been ubiquitous on everything from credit cards to tickets to ID badges. But the...
Drive along nearly any major road in the United States and it won’t be long before you see evidence of...
We’ve all got our favorite hand tools, and while the selection criteria are usually pretty subjective, it usually boils down...
The big three amateur radio transceiver manufacturers each featured new transceivers at Ham Fair in Japan this past week. Yaesu...
BBC veteran Laurie Margolis, 74, has announced he will be leaving the corporation after five decades. He's worked on both TV...
Sometime in early May 2024, ARRL’s systems network was compromised by threat actors (TAs) using information they had purchased on...
We live in a time where there’s virtually no excuse not to have some kind of oscilloscope. As shows in...
The Federal Communications Commission is launching a new nationwide alert code for missing and endangered Indigenous people who do not...
ARRL® The National Association for Amateur Radio® has announced that the candidates for the 2024 ARRL Division elections are now...
In the past few years, the price-per-watt for solar panels has dropped dramatically. This has led to a number of...
The RSGB exams teams are pleased to release the exam reference documents for Syllabus 1.6 at Foundation, Intermediate and Full...
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) accepted for public comment a Petition for Rulemaking filed by NextNav Inc., a licensee in...
Beginning on Friday, September 6, 2024, Maxim Memorial Station W1AW will begin using a new 17-meter frequency for its scheduled...
Mysterious letters and numbers etched into the wall of a sealed-off, fifth-floor room in the Clayton University Center at Packer Hall are...
If amateur radio has a problem, it’s that shaking off an image of being the exclusive preserve of old men...
KPH, established in California in 1913, will exchange messages with Morse code enthusiasts around the world On July 12, 1999,...
It is easy to learn the “how-to” basics of a Ham radio operation. It’s easy to get your own call-sign....
Dorothy McCracken, known to everyone as a great storyteller, still has a way with words even at 100 years old....
Have you ever thought about getting into digital modes on the ham bands? As it turns out, you can get...
Nominations for 2024 ARRL Section Managers have been made. All nominees listed ran unopposed and returned their nomination forms by...
Meshtastic is a way to build mesh networks using LoRa that is independent of cell towers, hot spots or traditional...
Dara Gardner, KFØNIX, a member of the Pikes Peak Radio Amateur Association (PPRAA), has been accepted to the Albert Einstein...