The schedule of FCC amateur radio application fees likely will not go into effect before 2022. FCC staff confirmed during...
The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) is keeping a close eye on Tropical Storm Grace and has bumped up to Level...
In the immediate aftermath of the magnitude 7.2 earthquake on August 14, Radio Club of Haiti President Jean-Robert Gaillard, HH2JR,...
Following the major earthquake in Haiti on Saturday 14 August, the IARU Region 2 emergency co-ordinator CO2JC has asked amateurs to...
In a brief statement this week, Intrepid-DX Group President Paul Ewing, N6PSE, said his team is pulling out of the...
After eight decades of providing emergency backup communications on a volunteer basis during some of this region’s worst storms and...
Parallel planning is under way by three entities for DXpeditions to Bouvet Island in 2021, 2022, and 2023. The remote...
(Callsign K6YBV) - GW SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Robert Ringwald, the pianist who played and promoted jazz in California for...
The Intrepid-DX Group’s plans for a 2023 DXpedition to Bouvet Island are back on the front burner. In a brief announcement...
On July 6, an evening Army Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) HF practice net in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)...
The FCC is seeking nominations for a chairperson and members of the Technological Advisory Council (TAC). In a July 21...
The Missouri First Capitol State Historic Site in St. Charles will host an amateur radio event on August 10, in...
Ofcom were asked the date when they changed published policy on re-issuing Amateur Radio call signs but their answer was...
In 2021 all our electronics are solid state, in that they exclusively use semiconductor devices as their active components. Some...
At its just-concluded July 2021 meeting, the ARRL Board of Directors approved By-Law changes creating a third Standing Committee that...
A judge in the Massachusetts Land Court has ruled that the Zoning Board of Appeals in the City of Framingham...
Reports suggest that jamming stations have been deployed on the lower portion of 40 meters. The jamming appears to be...
AMSAT’s Engineering and Operations Teams have announced that AO-109 (RadFxSat-2/AMSAT Fox-1E) is now open for amateur use. AMSAT advises operators...
International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 Emergency Communications Coordinator Greg Mossop, G0DUB, reported over the weekend that amateur radio...
knows there are at least two things wrong with the cheap antennas you get with most SDR dongles. First, they...
On Thursday, July 15, at 10 AM EDT, ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut, hosted a rededication ceremony, recognizing ARRL’s commitment...
With a population just north of 71,000, the Caribbean island country of Dominica (J7) boasts a modest but active ham...
In the second year in which rule waivers were in place for ARRL Field Day, some 4,815 entries were received...
A significant event in the history of technology happened yesterday, and it passed so quietly that we almost missed it. The...
Normally, three weeks prior to the monthly open meeting of the Federal Communications Commission, the agency releases drafts of the...