In comments to the FCC, ARRL targeted two specific areas of concern regarding a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) in IB...
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has recently made changes affecting the Amateur Radio Service in the United States and this...
For what is certainly the first time in history, the upcoming Simulated Emergency Test (SET) will be held during a...
The following information is courtesy of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU): Because frequency allocations and Amateur Radio operating interests...
A new @NASA video provides a different perspective from the typical Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) Program...
When the city of Laurel opened its new Emergency Operations Center over two years ago, it included a separate room...
Through the Amateur of the Year Award, Radio Amateurs of Canada recognizes the outstanding contributions made by Canadian Amateurs. To...
Update: Proposed Two Metre Band Plan As announced in The Canadian Amateur magazine, the RAC Band Planning Committee has completed...
Point Prim Lighthouse on Prince Edward Island The International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (ILLW) has been held on the third full...
An auxiliary cable that helps to support a metal platform above the Arecibo Observatory radio telescope’s reflector dish in Puerto...
The Newington, Connecticut, US Post Office, which serves ARRL Headquarters, is without power, so ARRL is receiving little or no...
The FCC has issued a Forfeiture Order (FO) calling for HobbyKing to pay a fine of $2,861,128 for marketing drone...
As I’ve mentioned in a previous column, I have had an amateur radio licence (both basic and advanced certifications) for...
Canada C3 WSPR Project: Intro | Video | WSPR | Symposium On Thursday, July 9, Radio Amateurs of Canada participated...
The following Contest Calendar was prepared by Tom Haavisto, VE3CX, as part of “The Sports Page” column in the July-August...
“The call for recruits went out this month, but with a pandemic keeping people at home, the online courses are filling...
The global pandemic will most likely still be a fact of life on Canada Day, Wednesday July 1 and we...
For immediate release: In response to the global pandemic, Radio Amateurs of Canada is once again offering an online Advanced Amateur...
RAC Report | RAC en bref – English | French Amateur Radio During the Current Global Pandemic: An Update On...
In late May, the USA team of the ARISS International working group became an incorporated non-profit entity in the state...
A 349-foot guyed tower collapsed Monday in Seale, Alabama while two tower techs were tied off to it at around...