You no doubt recall the incredible Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) reverse engineering and restoration project featured on the CuriousMarc YouTube channel a...
Modern ham radio operators often face restrictions on antennas. This has made small antennas more popular, despite some limitations. reviews...
We’ve seen a few interesting magnetic core memories on these fine pages over the years, but we don’t recall seeing...
is building some microwave gear and wanted to convert a 3.3 GHz signal to a 12 MHz intermediate frequency. You...
Over the years the humble 555 timer has been used in so many unexpected places, but there’s a project from which...
If you are an old hand at RF design, you probably have a good handle on matching impedance. However, if...
If you had the misfortune of running a Microsoft Exchange server this past week, then you don’t need me to tell...
knows the pain of trying to operate a ham radio transmitter on a small lot. His recent video shows how...
The operational amplifier, or op amp, is one of the most basic building blocks used in analog circuits. Ever since...
The lower the frequency of radio transmission, the more antenna that will be needed in general. wanted to work the...
It isn’t an uncommon science fiction trope for our hero to be in a situation where there is no technology....
We probably don’t have to tell most Hackaday readers why the current wave of low-cost software defined radios (SDRs) are...
As consumer electronics companies chase profits on tighter and tighter margins, it seems like quality is continually harder to find...
Amateur radio is a hobby that is often thought of as being exclusive to those with a healthy expendable income....
Talking about this Chinese ham radio transceiver requires a veritable flurry of acronyms: HF, SSB, QRP, and SDR to start...
Restoring vintage computers is the favorite task of many hardware hackers. Retrocomputing probably makes you think of home computer brands...
Mission extensions for interplanetary robot explorers are usually continuations of their primary mission. But sometimes the hardware already on board...
The LoRa radio protocol is well known to hardware hackers because of its Long Range (hence the name) but also...
For radio enthusiasts worldwide, the inexpensive Chinese handheld radios produced by the likes of Baofeng and other brands have been...
When we were kids we rode bicycles without pads and helmets. We drank sugary drinks. We played with chemistry sets...
Often, mere curiosity is sufficient to do something. This is also the case with people trying to analyze the communication...
Old radios didn’t have much in the way of smarts. But as digital synthesis became more common, radios often had...
The Starlink beta has semi-officially ended, but it seems as though the global chip shortage is still limiting how many...
When sat down to design a sideband transceiver for the 20 Meter (14 MHz) ham radio band, he eschewed the...
For busy people, keeping track of all the tasks on your to-do list can be a daunting task in itself....