The Board of Directors of The Yasme Foundation has announced grants of $5,000 each to the Foundation for Amateur Radio...
AMSAT says the aim of its developing “Greater Orbit, Larger Footprint” (GOLF) satellite program is to place amateur radio transponders...
The COVID-19 Stay Home” event over the June 6 – 7 weekend will enter the top 63 event participants into a...
Along with many other ham radio events, SEA-PAC 2020, which was to host the ARRL Northwestern Division Convention, fell victim...
Perhaps the simplest radio one can build is the crystal radio. Using a diode as a detector, the design generally...
If you’ve been on the RTL-SDR forums lately you may have seen that a lot of work has been going...
Following our announcement last week about the introduction of a new booking system for remote invigilation Foundation exams, we are pleased to...
Three incumbent ARRL Section Managers were returned to office, while one challenger outpolled an incumbent Section Manager (SM) in contested...
NASA astronauts Bob Behnken, KE5GGX, and Doug Hurley, are settling in on board the International Space Station (ISS) after arriving...
ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, has appointed Dan Grady, N2SRK, of Aurora, Colorado, as the new Rocky Mountain Division Vice...
When RMS Titanic set sail in 1912, it was blessed and cursed with the latest in communication technology—the wireless telegraph. In the last...
Facetime, Zoom, Google Meets — and ham radio. Video conferencing may have come into prominence during the coronavirus pandemic as...
The recent M-class solar flare from a sunspot region that belongs to Solar Cycle 25 was a wake up call...
It all began when Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) educator Joanne Michael, KM6BWB — a science coach...
The sunspot region that was responsible yesterday for what could be the first M-class solar flare of Solar Cycle 25...
A radio amateur is one of two NASA astronauts headed to the International Space Station (ISS) following a May 30...
This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1109 Release Date: May 30, 2020 Here is a summary of the news trending...
For most people, adding WiFi to a project means grabbing something like an ESP8266 or an ESP32. But if you...
A recent in-person “social-distancing” amateur radio exam session in Indiana and a “drive-in” session in California are representative of those...
925 days. That is the amount of time we had to wait since we last saw a M-class solar flare...
With one month to go before 2020 ARRL Field Day, June 27 – 28, the ARRL Programs and Services Committee (PSC)...
Stations bearing call signs that promote the “stay-at-home” message and the value of social distancing and isolation have sprung up...
The nearly 46-year-old AO-7 amateur satellite made a remarkable contact possible on May 4 between Diego Feil, LW2DAF, in Buenos...
With some states starting to relax restrictions on events and activities, the Grant County, Oregon, Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®)...
In anticipation of its upcoming move, the FCC has adopted a new FCC seal. The redesigned seal is the product...