The February 6 NCJ-sponsored North American Sprint (CW) and the March 13 RTTY Sprint will begin 1 hour earlier, at...
Space is hard, especially if you haven’t done it before. A growing number of CubeSats are launched by small, inexperienced...
Here’s a trailer for a low-budget supernatural psychological thriller titled Dead Air. The film centers around a man who starts...
The ARRL Board of Directors will look into the use of electronic balloting systems “to augment paper balloting for ARRL...
The European Union DX Contest Club (EUDXCC) has announced the debut of the European Union DX Contest February 6 –...
The local research teams that developed two cubesats launched by a Space Exploration Technologies Corp’s (SpaceX) Falcon 9 rocket at...
021 is the centennial of the Finnish Amateur Radio League (SRAL). The special anniversary call sign OH100SRAL is being used throughout...
In 2020, a project between AMSAT-UK, AMSAT-NL, and Swiss universities got under way with the aim of equipping two Swiss...
It sometimes seems as though antennas and RF design are portrayed as something of a Black Art, the exclusive preserve...
The QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo on March 13 – 14 will devote a speaker track to AMSAT and the world of...
This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1144 - Special 22nd Anniversary Edition Release Date: January 30, 2021 Here is a...
What attracts a lot of people to amateur radio is that it gives you the ability to make your own...
Analogue TV is something that most of us consider to have been consigned to the history books about a decade...
WFD Overview | Purpose and Operating | Rules Please see the Winter Field Day Rules for information about participating in...
AMSAT reports that it’s continuing to assess the status of the RadFxSat-2 / Fox-1E amateur radio CubeSat after a ham...
SuitSat loses its innocence in a new video short sci-fi thriller Decommissioned. “Inspired by true events,” the video short resurrects the 2006 spacesuit/satellite...
After a journey of a decade, what started as Project Loon by Google is no more. Promoted as a way...
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) and its partners are troubleshooting the failure of the on-board NA1SS amateur...
If there’s anything about amateur radio that has more witchcraft in it than the design and implementation of antennas, we...
When took apart his Starlink dish back in November, he did his best to explain the high-level functionality of the...
Orlando HamCation has announced it will sponsor the HamCation QSO Party over the February 13 – 14 weekend (UTC), “to create a...
Hackaday has among its staff a significant number of writers who also hold amateur radio licenses. We’re hardware folks at...
Thanks to a grant from the Yasme Foundation, the northernmost Reverse Beacon Net (RBN) node in Europe went online on...
The Federal Communications Commission has issued an unusual weekend enforcement warning that boils down to this: Don’t use ham radio, CBs, FRS...
Leading up to President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration, the Federal Communications Commission reminded personal and amateur radio operators that the use...