Another thin week. Sunday was OK. I worked 5R8LH (Madagascar) on 10m. Lots of traffic was after OJ0DX (Market Reef),...
ORARI members who are members of amateur radio portable Bali, held activities Indonesian Beaches On The Air (iBOTA) and Indonesian Temple On...
This weekend is the RD contest which commemorates the Amateurs who died during World War II and is designed to...
NewsWest for Sunday 14th August is the History of Amateur Radio edition. On this day 982 years ago, in 1040, King...
ARRL has unveiled its new Radio Laboratory, W1HQ. In a new YouTube video, Jherica Goodgame, KI5HTA, a summer intern at...
In 2020 the Board of the WIA supported the Binar-1 small satellite/CubeSat mission which was launched from the ISS by...
Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) has awarded a grant to the Sangamon Valley Radio Club (SVRC) in Springfield, Illinois for...
SpaceX and NASA have delayed the launch of the next U.S. crew flight to the International Space Station to no...
The Manila Bulletin reports on two amateur radio CubeSat's, built by Philippine students and carrying APRS Digipeaters, that have now...
The National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded a grant of $399,211 to Nathaniel Frissell W2NAF, Ph.D., assistant professor physics and electrical engineering...
As the flood waters began to recede following devastating rainfall in Kentucky that began on July 26, the American Red...
The Astronomy magazine site carries a picture of the radio telescope built in 1937 by radio amateur Grote Reber W9GFZ Grote...
Using their call sign, WY4RC, the event is known as 'Worked All YARC Zones (WAYZ).' Operators will be activating WY4RC stations...
Solar activity continued to decline this week, with average daily sunspot number dropping from 91.1 to 36.6 and average solar...
A journalist from Norway's Telen newspaper spoke to radio amateurs at the regional emergency response center at Notodden Read more...
This is a developing story, we'll post more info as it is updated. Update 8/8/22: According to ISRO officials...
In Texas, authorities cracked down after a hand-held radio caused emergency interference with police transmissions. Mike Askins KE5CXP speaking on...
NewsWest for Sunday 7th August 2022 is all about contesting, and a fair amount of our time is devoted to preparing...
One of the most misunderstood settings on your radio is the microphone gain. You'll often hear people talking about adjusting...
In August GB8PCA will be on the air to raise awareness for Prostate Cancer and that early detection saves lives...
Johnnie Walker is to host a show as part of a range of special programmes on Boom Radio on Sunday 14 August in...
August 6 Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP, reports that the solar activity is expected to be at low levels. There are currently...
AMSAT NEWS SERVICE ANS-219 The news feed on publishes news of Amateur Radio in Space as soon as our...
Release Date: August 6, 2022 Trending headlines in this week's bulletin service: Radio Amateurs of Canada Announces Two New Bands...
Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC), the national association for Amateur Radio in Canada, is once again conducting an online survey...