February 15, 2025

This Week in Amateur Radio

North America's Premiere Amateur Radio News Magazine

W1AW - ARRL Headquarters

American Radio Relay League, headquartered in Newington, celebrated for 100 years of service to emergency communication worldwide (Connecticut)

Ham radio and freemasonry: both integral parts of American history and subcultures in their own right.

Both also boast strong local contingents; the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is headquartered in Newington and the Sequin-Lodge #140 Masonic Lodge is one of the most active groups of Freemasons in Connecticut.

The lodge at 80 Walsh Ave. hosted officers from the ARRL for a banquet dinner April 7, recognizing the organization’s 100-plus years of service and contribution to emergency communications worldwide.

Worshipful Master Jon Faasen presented the group with a plaque on behalf of the Lodge and Newington Mayor Beth DelBuono read a proclamation from the town.

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