January 20, 2025

This Week in Amateur Radio

North America's Premiere Amateur Radio News Magazine

PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1199

Release Date: February 19, 2022

Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week’s edition is anchored by Chris Perrine, KB2FAF Terry Saunders, N1KIN, Don Hulick, K2ATJ, Fred Fitte, NF2F, Eric Zittel, KD2RJX, Will Rogers, K5WLR, George Bowen, W2XBS, and Jessica Bowen, KC2VWX.

Produced and edited by George Bowen, W2XBS.

Approximate Running Time: 1:45:56

Podcast Download:

Trending headlines in this week’s bulletin service:

  1. AMSAT Looking For Volunteer RF and Mechanical Engineers
  2. HamCation Visitors Rediscover Radio, as ARRL Holds Its 2022 National Convention
  3. ARRL International DX Contest To Include New Categories, Rule Changes For 2022
  4. In-Person Registration Now Open For The 2022 HamSCI Workshop
  5. Youth On The Air Camp 2022 Application Period Now Open
  6. 3Y0J Bouvet DXpedition Confirms Departure Date
  7. ARISS-International To Conduct Special Digital Slow Scan Television Experiment
  8. Geomagnetic Storm Leads To Loss Of Up To 40 Starlink Satellites – UPDATE
  9. Special Event Station To Celebrate 100th Anniversary Of WGY Radio 810 AM Schenectady
  10. Pirate Station Appears on 3500 and 7000 kiloHertz on Upper Sideband
  11. Australian Amateurs Body Is Identified In Double Murder
  12. 5G Radio Interference To Airliners Is Tied To Older Altimeter Equipment
  13. Hams In The UK Mark The 100th Anniversary Of The British Broadcasting Company
  14. South Africa AMSAT Seeks Papers For Its Upcoming Symposium
  15. You Can Work Pluto During Upcoming HF Operation
  16. Saint Patrick’s Day Special Event Station Registration Is Open
  17. Beijing Winter Olympics Special Event Station BY1CRA/WO22 is Active Through February 20th
  18. Erie Pennsylvania Ham Radio Operator Charged With Broadcasting Phony Weather Emergencies and Bomb Threats
  19. DARC – German Amateur Radio Students quiz scientists at the South Pole Station during contact
  20. UK – Royal Air Force Blue Ham exercise is coming up on sixty meters
  21. Nepal and Mauritius DXpeditions are coming up soon
  22. Voice of America special event stations to celebrate VOA 80 years on the air
  23. RSGB releases new exam syllabus to comply with new RF safety/exposure regulations
  24. UK radio enthusiast extensive radio collection appears in the Daily Mail Newspaper
  25. Microphone manufacturer Heil Sound Changes Hands for the first time in company history
  26. New rules will go into effect for this years ARRL Field Day 2022
  27. The Dayton HamVention appears to be a go for 2022
  28. Heil Sound changes hands. Bob Heil to remain as advisor
  29. New 2022 Field Day Rules have been released

Plus these Special Features This Week:

  • Technology News and Commentary with Leo Laporte, W6TWT, will talk about a new problem on the net, fake Windows Eleven upgrade installers that contain malware, and how the European Union now requires on screen notifications when a web page is setting a cookie on your computer…
  • Working Amateur Radio Satellites with Bruce Paige, KK5DO – AMSAT Satellite News
  • Tower Climbing and Antenna Safety w/Greg Stoddard KF9MP, will take a look at Lockout – Tagout, which is something you need to know about if your repeater antenna is mounted on a commercial tower, before your climb.
  • Foundations of Amateur Radio with Onno Benschop VK6FLAB, explores that idea that a picture can say a lot more than words.
  • Weekly Propagation Forecast from the ARRL
  • Bill Continelli, W2XOY – The History of Amateur Radio. Bill returns with another edition of The Ancient Amateur Archives, this week, Bill takes us back to the year, 1958. It was the year amateurs had two satellites to listen to, Sputnik and Explorer, it was the year the FCC ran out of callsigns, and he will take a look at the radios amateurs had to choose from that year.

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Air This Week in Amateur Radio on your repeater! Built in identification breaks every 10 minutes or less.

This Week in Amateur Radio is heard on the air on nets and repeaters as a bulletin service all across North America, and all around the world on amateur radio repeater systems, weekends on WA0RCR on 1860 (160 Meters), and more.

This Week in Amateur Radio is portable too! The bulletin/news service is available and built for air on local repeaters (check with your local clubs to see if their repeater is carrying the news service) and can be drepeaters (check with your local clubs to see if their repeater is carrying the news service) and can be downloaded for air as a weekly podcast to your digital device from just about everywhere, including Acast, Deezer, , iTunes, Google Play, , , Stitcher, iVoox, Blubrry, Castbox.fm, Castro, Feedburner, gPodder, Listen Notes, OverCast, Player.FM, , Podcast Gang, Podcast Republic, Podchaser, Podnova, and RSS feeds. This Week in Amateur Radio is also carried on a number of LPFM stations, so check the low power FM stations in your area.

You can also stream the program to your favorite digital device by visiting our web site www.twiar.net. Or, just ask Siri, Alexa, or your Google Nest to play This Week in Amateur Radio!

This Week in Amateur Radio is produced by Community Video Associates in upstate New York, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. If you would like to volunteer with us as a news anchor or special segment producer please get in touch with our Executive Producer, George, via email at w2xbs77@gmail.com.

Also, please feel free to follow us by joining our popular group on Facebook, and follow our daily feed on Twitter!

Thanks for FortifiedNet.net for the server space!
Thanks to Archive.org for the audio space.