Mark Burris’ interest in ham radio started when he was 16 years old at Cumberland County High School in Crossville in the early 1970s.
“I was intrigued at the thought of being able to talk and communicate with people all over the world by radio,” Burris said.
The Cumberland Plateau Amateur Radio Club at that time consisted of about six or seven members.
“The ones I remember were Jim Walker, Jim Putman, Frank Holliday, Artis Winningham, and a gentleman named Mac,” Burris said. “I joined the club in about 1971 and all of these members were very happy and willing to help me obtain a novice license, especially Jim Walker and Jim Putman. To me all these men were very old at the time, but since Jim Walker is only in his late 80s now, I guess as I understand now that they were fairly young.”
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