February 13, 2025

This Week in Amateur Radio

North America's Premiere Amateur Radio News Magazine


Netherlands regulator increases charges for radio hams

Some countries still make their radio amateurs pay annual fees, one such is the Netherlands which has announced fees are going up again

A translation of a VERON post reads:

The Government Gazette of November 4, 2021, published, among other things, the new rates that apply to radio amateurs in 2022.

We pay these rates for the activities and services of Agentschap Telecom (AT). All rates for 2022 will increase slightly compared to 2021.

As in 2021, there is an additional rate of € 83 per year for relay stations,-. This tariff is necessary to cover the costs of criminal investigation and surveillance due to the increased illegal use of the stations. For beacons, those costs will no longer be charged in 2022. The licence costs for a beacon (€ 117,-) have also become lower than for a relay station (€ 212,-). The latter two amounts shall apply for a period of three years.

Read more – Southgate: