There has been world-wide reporting of the work done using amateur radio WSPR signals in an attempt to pinpoint the location of missing flight MH370
In addition to the Times and other national UK newspapers the story has also been covered by 9 News in Australia.
The surge of publicity on December 1 came as the result of the claim by Richard Godfrey that he had pinpointed the precise location of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 at the bottom of the southern Indian Ocean.
9 News says:
Mr Godfrey’s research, which he claims will lead to the discovery of MH370 next year, is based on Global Detection and Tracking of Any Aircraft Anywhere (GDTAAA) software and Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) data.
WSPR can be best visualised as laser beams which criss-cross the world, with any disturbances logged in a database.
According to Mr Godfrey’s research, GDTAAA combined with WSPR data provided hundreds of trackable radio signals every two minutes during the flight of the Boeing 777, allowing him to zero in on a critical search zone.
Read the full 9 News story and watch the TV Report at
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