K6K: King Kamehameha Celebration
Special Event Amateur Radio Station
Friday, June 11, 2021 06:00am HST – (16:00 UTC) Til 10:00pm HST
Amateur Radio Operators will activate special-event stations K6K to celebrate King Kamehameha the Great and Hawai’i’s Rich History. K6K special event station will give HAMS a chance to add Hawaii to their logs to earn WAS or DXCC awards.
After hearing about the cancellation of all King Kamehameha Celebration parade events statewide. Michael Miller – KH6ML, a community emergency coordinator, spoke with Amateur radio operators and a few people with the Commission to see if there was a level of interest to make the event happen.
This station is authorized by the King Kamehameha Celebration Commission as an official event
This event will give volunteer Hawaii Operators the chance to test their communications equipment and skills and be ready to assist when the cell phone and the internet fail.
Successful radio contacts are eligible to receive a special and inscribed certificate bearing the full-color rendition of K6K: King Kamehameha Celebration.
The Kamehameha Day Holiday was proclaimed by King Kamehameha I grandson, Lot Kapuāiwa – King Kamehameha V, in 1871, followed by an inaugural celebration of events on June 11, 1872. Years later, in 1939, the Commission was formed under the Hawai‘i Territorial Legislature.
The FCC allows special-event stations to recognize and promote activities, services, or events of a historical or uniquely appealing nature. A special call sign is issued for a limited duration to identify the station. K6K was requested and granted. During this time, stations from around the islands and the world will try and make contact.
TO VIEW A SHORT CLIP OF 2020 lei draping and short history https://fb.watch/4rB_6oMA7H/
Operating Rules:
- This is not a contest. The idea is to allow as many operators as possible to reach the contact station operators and learn about King Kamehameha the Great and why he is celebrated in Hawai’i.
- All radio operators must operate their stations strictly in accordance with their countries’ or FCC regulations. Any authorized amateur radio frequency may be used.
- Stations should listen for K6K calling “CQ K6K”
- The main modes will be SSB, FM, FT-8, and Winlink. Other Modes maybe be added.
- QSLS: eQSLs are available via LOTW. NO Paper QSLs.
- CERTIFICATES: Are self-printed ( by you) for contacts with our Special Event Station. If you contact our Special Event Station look up your call sign on the following link and print your own certificate: Link to follow. Please allow 30 days for all logs to be processed.
For more than 100 years, Amateur Radio — also called ham radio — has allowed people from all walks of life to experiment with electronics and communications techniques, as well as provide a free public service to their communities during a disaster or emergency, all without needing a cell phone or the Internet. 750,000 amateur radio licensees in the US, and an estimated 3 million worldwide. Throughout COVID-19, HAMS around the world have continued to be on the air practicing their skills, in part as a way to help stay connected.
For more info:https://sites.google.com/view/k6khawaii Or email k6khawaii@gmail.com
Operators that are lending their kokua to make this happen are:
KH6LT Mark -Kaneohe
KH6ML Michael – Kaneohe
KH7U Kimo Chun – Honolulu
AH6NF Bev Yuen – Honolulu
WH6AV Jessie – Maui
WH6GS Jim Yuen
KB1EIB – Maty CT
NO2C -Lou Honolulu
K6K: King Kamehameha Celebration
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