Strong storms and reports of at least 60 tornadoes have wreaked havoc in the Central U.S. for nearly two weeks. Homes and businesses across Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, and Iowa were destroyed, and power is still down for more than 30,000 residents. On May 1, 2024, President Joe Biden declared a major disaster exists in Oklahoma, making federal aid available to those affected by last weekend’s severe storms in Hughes, Love, and Murray counties.
Section Manager of the ARRL Iowa Section Lelia Garner, WA0UIG, reported that in Iowa, they have moved from response to recovery. Currently, nine counties are under the Iowa State Individual Assistance Grant Program and the Disaster Case Advocacy Program.
“Amateur Radio has served our local agencies well. We recently networked at a central Iowa hamfest and are building our emergency communications capacity primarily through [the Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®). ARES resources [include] personnel, experience, meetings, training, [communications] equipment, [and] operating trailers. The opportunity to share our experience and knowledge gained in the field has been critical to supporting ARES in Iowa,” said Garner.
Garner added that awareness is the best tool. She stressed that amateur operators and ARES members work to help the National Weather Service and other served agencies in order make their work and the community safer.
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