Millions of people across the United States got to see a rare solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024.
The path of totality — the line of darkness where the moon fully occluded the sun — stretched through the South Pacific, Mexico, central Texas, the Ozarks, the Midwest, the Rust Belt area, and to New England through the Maritimes. In all, 14 ARRL Sections were impacted directly and several more were on the fringes of the solar umbra.
Radio Serves
Amateur radio was active throughout the areas of impact. Most ARRL Sections in the path had been developing a plan with their served agencies for months or years beforehand.
Traffic was expected to be significant, with up to 3.7 million people forecast to travel to areas within the path of totality.
Radio amateurs were activated in many locations.
In Paris, Texas, hams split shifts at the Lamar County Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Teams of two operators volunteered for 4-hour shifts. The activation doubled as a training opportunity and an equipment test.
Read more – via American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources
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