Until March 6, new sunspot groups emerged daily over the past reporting week, February 29 through March 6.
One new sunspot group appeared every day on February 29 through March 3, then two new groups on March 4 and another on March 5.
It seems odd, but average daily sunspot number was about the same (changing from 106.4 to 106.7), but the average daily solar flux had a substantial drop, from 175 to 147.4.
Average daily planetary A index was up from 8.4 to 10, while middle latitude numbers rose from 7.4 to 8.
The March 3 planetary A index was 29. Spaceweather.com reported a G2 geomagnetic storm at 0930 UTC. On March 7 they said NOAA expects a minor storm on March 9.
The solar flux forecast sees a short term peak at 180 on March 21-23 and another on April 17-19.
Predicted solar flux is 140 on March 8-9, 145 on March 10-12, then 140 and 135 on March 13-14, then 170 on March 15-16, then 165, 160, 170 and 175 on March 17-20, 180 on March 21-23, 175 on March 24-25, 170 on March 26-27, 160 on March 28-29, then 165 and 145 on March 30-31, then 140 on April 1-2, 135 on April 3-8, and 140, 160, 170, 170, 165 and 160 on April 9-14.
Predicted planetary A index is 8 on March 8-10, 5 on March 11-23, then 15, 12, 12, 5, 10, and 8 on March 24-29, and 5 on March 30 through April 5, then 12 and 10 on April 6-7, and 5 on April 8 through the middle of the month and beyond.
Read more – via American Radio Relay League | Ham Radio Association and Resources http://www.arrl.org/news/view/the-k7ra-solar-update-820
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