The RSGB has a collection of resources to help you get involved with British Science Week, which runs from the 8 to the 17 March 2024, and this year has the theme of Time.
If you already have something planned, please let the RSGB know.
This will be useful for others to see and might inspire them!
There are already several British Science Week events on the RSGB website.
Some of these are open to everyone, so please show your support for them.
If you’re going on the air, tell everyone when to listen out for you by sending the RSGB the dates, times, bands and modes.
The RSGB’s British Science Week coordinator is Ian Neal, M0KEO and you can contact him on
Please send Ian the resources you’d like to share and your event details, including the times you’ll be on the air.
All details can be found on the RSGB website at
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