February 12, 2025

This Week in Amateur Radio

North America's Premiere Amateur Radio News Magazine

via the RSGB: WRC-23 Days 11+12: The Future Beckons

Week 3 of WRC-23 has started with an increase in meetings and effort associated with WRC-27/31 proposals, quite a few of which are of concern. Tuesday also saw the proposed change for 23cm get through the next approval hurdle, after some nervous moments.

With meetings over the previous weekend, the start of the week was a bit of a blur. The WRC-23 schedule is now full of overlapping meetings ranging from 8am starts to late into the evenings.

23cm: One key step was the AI-9.1b 23cm draft which will add a new footnote to the allocation. This came up to formal Committee level for its next approval step, whereupon it got some concerning comments, until stability returned. Next step will be two plenary reviews.

Meanwhile extra meetings have been considering 40-50MHz space-borne radar sounders and other late running topics. A compromise on AI-9.1a space weather definition has been reached, that has put greater focus on its next step (see below). The myriad of proposals for 2027/2031 under Agenda Item-10 (AI-10)  need to be in fine shape before they are assessed and prioritised at the end of the week, ahead of final week-4 approvals and plenaries.

Read more – Radio Society of Great Britain – Main Site http://rsgb.org/main/blog/front-page-news/2023/12/06/wrc-23-days-1112-future-beckons/