The FCC issued a 60-day waiver to allow amateur radio data transmissions at a higher baud rate than normally allowed, to help with relief for areas affected by Hurricane Idalia.
The Mobility Division of the commission’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau granted the request, which had been submitted by the American Radio Relay League.
“ARRL seeks this waiver for those licensed radio amateurs who are directly involved with Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) and other communication support groups working with federal, state and local emergency management officials,” the FCC wrote in its summary.
“ARRL states that Section 97.307(f) of the commission’s rules prevents the use of certain protocols capable of higher data rate emissions in the High-Frequency (HF) bands and many amateur stations active in emergency communications preparedness are capable of using. They also point out that the past FCC temporary waivers have allowed such protocols in similar events including Hurricanes Maria, Dorian, Laura, Ida and Ian; Typhoon relief communications in Hawaii; and wildfires in the western areas of the country.”
You can see details in the FCC order.
via Radio World:
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