September 16, 2024

This Week in Amateur Radio

North America's Premiere Amateur Radio News Magazine

Ham Radio for Cruising Mexico?

My husband John and I had a book-sales booth at a West Coast boat show, and we were scheduled to give a seminar called Ham Radio for Cruising Mexico.

That morning, a young couple visiting our booth slowly browsed my guidebooks to Mexico and Central America, said that circumnavigating was their dream, and they were in the process of outfitting their boat for just that goal. They bought my books, so I signed them ‘Smooth Seas to Jim and Judy.’

So, I invited them to our ham-radio seminar.

To which Jim replied, “Ham radio! You are nuts? We just bought Starlink; it’s super easy,” said Jim. “We’ll operate our business while cruising paradise.”

Judy said, “Yeah. Our boat’s gonna’ have satellite internet and stream movies all the way around the world,” said Judy.

Jim said, “We already bought a sat phone and an InReach with texting. Why on earth would we bother with more?”  

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