PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1264
Release Date: May 20, 2023
Here is a summary of the news trending This Week in Amateur Radio. This week’s edition is anchored by Terry Saunders, N1KIN, Denny Haight, NZ8D, Don Hulick, K2ATJ, Dave Wilson, WA2HOY, Will Rogers, K5WLR, Eric Zittel, KD2RJX, Bob Donlon, W3BOO, George Bowen, W2XBS, and Jessica Bowen, KC2VWX.
Produced and edited by George Bowen, W2XBS.
Approximate Running Time: 1:55:43 – * Dayton HamVention Weekend Edition *
Trending headlines in this weeks bulletin service:
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Trending headlines in this week’s bulletin service:
- Congresswoman Lesko Reintroduces Bill to Replace Symbol Rate Limit with Bandwidth Limit
- Call For Nominations – 2023 AMSAT Board of Directors Election
- National Hurricane Center Amateur Radio Station Annual Test
- Dayton Hamvention 2023: Ready!
- ARRL Member Dues Survey Continues
- Marc Tarplee, N4UFP, Section Manager of the ARRL South Carolina Section (SK)
- NASA Astronaut Contacts Two Schools from the International Space Station
- 25th Anniversary Of The May 31st 1998 F3 Tornado In Mechanicville, New York
- Former Chairman Of The FCC Newton Minow, Passes At 97
- Antenna Issue Is Resolved For Juice Mission Around Jupiter
- Amateurs Have An Opportunity To Work The Big Race
- China’s XW-2A Satellite Decays From Orbit
- The UK Special Coronation Event Stations Are Still On The Air Through June
- Red River Valley Texas Amateur Radio Club To Celebrate 50th Anniversary
- Biden Intends to Pick Lawyer Anna Gomez for FCC to End Agency Deadlock
- The FCC Moves To Potentially Open 1000 MegaHertz Of Spectrum To New Commercial Uses
- FCC Rejects Dish 5G Plan That Could Have Made Starlink Broadband Unusable
- Upcoming Conventions, Hamfests and Contests.
- Saudi Arabia To Launch Largest Radio Telescope In The Middle East
- ARRL helps amateurs comply with new RF exposure evaluation
- Amateurs in the Caribbean area gear up for the upcoming storm season
Plus these Special Features This Week:
- Our technology reporter Leo Laporte, will describe the workings of the DNS, or Domain Name System of internet addressing. And will tell us about dotted quads.
- Working Amateur Radio Satellites with Bruce Paige, KK5DO – AMSAT Satellite News
- Tower Climbing and Antenna Safety w/Greg Stoddard KF9MP, concludes his six part series on producing a successful Public Service Announcement for air on broadcast radio to help promote your latest club event or hamfest.
- Foundations of Amateur Radio with Onno Benschop VK6FLAB, will describe how you can measure the Solar Flux Index at home.
- Weekly Propagation Forecast from the ARRL
- Bill Continelli, W2XOY – The History of Amateur Radio. Bill returns to begin his series, The Ancient Amateur Archives, this week, Bill takes us back to the year 1980. That’s the year that brought new HF band allocations to amateurs world wide as a result of the World Administrative Radio Conference held in Geneva in late 1979. The FCC proposed a sideband only expansion of Citizens Band into the ten and a half meter band, ASCII and packet radio is allowed on the air, and we will learn about the Bash Books and amateur radio testing.
- Special interview with Gordon West WB6NOA. Courtesy RAIN/QSO Today
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This Week in Amateur Radio is produced by Community Video Associates in upstate New York, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. If you would like to volunteer with us as a news anchor or special segment producer please get in touch with our Executive Producer, George, via email at w2xbs77@gmail.com.
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Thanks to FortifiedNet.net for the server space!
Thanks to Archive.org for the audio space.
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