February 15, 2025

This Week in Amateur Radio

North America's Premiere Amateur Radio News Magazine

Via the RAC: Canada-Wide Science Fair 2023 and Youth STEM Expo

The Canada-Wide Science Fair is taking place in Edmonton, Alberta. It is once again an in-person event and Radio Amateurs of Canada is pleased to have a booth at the event at the Youth STEM Expo from May 17 to May 19.

Volunteers from the Quarter City Amateur Radio Club and the Northern Alberta Amateur Radio Club are introducing students, teachers, parents and other participants to the “Wonderful World of Amateur Radio”.

“We are enjoying interacting with many youths. We have had a lot of students trying their hand at sending Morse code and we sent some texts to them using Winlink and talked up our hobby to a lot of people.

Our demo frequency is 7.100 MHz and we call CQ at the top and bottom of each hour from 0930 to 1430 MDT May 17,18 and 19 from the Edmonton Convention Centre.”

Read more – Radio Amateurs of Canada