Liam Robbins, G5LDR has been appointed as the new Youth Champion for the RSGB.
He gained his Foundation Licence in 2021 and his Full Licence in late 2022. Liam’s volunteering experience includes being a Scout Leader for eight years and a motorsport Marshal for three years.
He plans to encourage the use of amateur radio to local Scouts and spread this to a wider area, using the benefits gained locally as an example of best practice. He is also keen to revive radio societies at universities and colleges near his home in Nottinghamshire and hopes that this will encourage others to follow suit. Liam is eager to work with younger radio amateurs and to engage with outreach programmes that clubs are already running.
Liam is looking forward to working with the Youth Team. His enthusiasm is infectious, and we are sure that he will be effective and also enjoy the challenges of this important role.
You can email him at
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