January 25, 2025

This Week in Amateur Radio

North America's Premiere Amateur Radio News Magazine

Space Weather Update: X2.2 solar flare with earth-directed CME

A major long duration X2.28 solar flare (R3-strong) took place yesterday and reached its peak at 20:17 UTC. This is the strongest solar flare of Solar Cycle 25 thus far and we can thank sunspot region 3229 for that. This sunspot region is currently close to the north-east limb and the solar flare was highly eruptive. Despite the region’s location near the limb, we can not rule out a glancspaceweatherlive.com/…/20230218-x2-2-solar-flare-with-earth-directed-cmeing blow from this plasma cloud.

from SpaceWeatherLive RSS https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/news/view/488/20230218-x2-2-solar-flare-with-earth-directed-cme.html