January 18, 2025

This Week in Amateur Radio

North America's Premiere Amateur Radio News Magazine


Via Southgate: Florida residents get ham radio training

Broadcaster WCJB reports North Central Florida residents have taken amateur radio training in case of a major disaster

The WCJB story says:

The Alachua County Amateur Radio Emergency Service and the North Florida Amateur Radio Club held a training class to help residents get their FCC radio technician license.

Dr. Gordon Gibby KX4Z teaches some of the training said it’s important to learn how to use a HAM radio in case the power grid goes out.

“You look at Katrina, you look at hurricane Sandy and you look at hurricane Michael and you look at all the disasters that have occurred and you think what is my role how do I help out my neighbor? So a lot of the people in our group are just altruistic they want to help.”

Getting your license takes some studying but Gibby acknowledges that anyone can pass the test.

“Anybody can pass this test, a 9-year-old has passed this test it’s not that hard. But we will be teaching them a lot and to be a volunteer with Alachua County we require them to take even more training so they understand the community emergency response and the professional response.”

Source WCJB

The amateur Technician license they earned permits up tp 200 watts in four HF bands and up to 1,500 watts on the bands at 50 MHz and above.

Read more – Southgate Amateur Radio News RSS Feed http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2022/august/florida-residents-get-ham-radio-training.htm