December 5, 2024

This Week in Amateur Radio

North America's Premiere Amateur Radio News Magazine

Via Southgate: Brazil celebrates 200 years of independence

LABRE presents a new Award – WID (Worked Independence Day) – to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Independence of Brazil

It is available to all worldwide amateur radio operators who confirm contacts with Brazilian stations whose last two letters of their respective callsigns correspond to the acronyms of the 27 Federative Units (states or UF) of Brazil, example PY7BAM, PT2DF, PY2TO, PW8EPA, PV8AAP, PY3PR etc. To receive the AWARD, the applicant must prove corresponding contacts to all 27 acronyms of Brazilian UF (see website).

ATTENTION, attention! Only the last two letters of the callsign matter for this AWARD. Contacts can be made with amateur radio operators of any origin. For example, contacts with PY7BAM, PT2DF, PY2TO, PW8EPA, PV8AAP, PY3PR would be valid to prove respectively the abbreviations AM, DF, TO, PA, AP and PR, although these abbreviations do not correspond to amateur radio operators’ origin state who verified each one.

LABRE will also operate the special callsign PV200BR and will be on the air from September 1, 2022, on the various bands and modes available to Brazilian radio amateurs.

Contacts with special callsign PV200BR can be used as a wildcard to replace one of the acronyms. Contacts valid from September 1, 2022, 200th year of the Brazil’s Independence. The AWARD can be worked on in all permitted modes and bands with endorsement for CW, SSB, Digital and Satellite modes.

For more information on proof of contacts, read the general rules at the end of the LABRE Awards page

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