September 10, 2024

This Week in Amateur Radio

North America's Premiere Amateur Radio News Magazine

Via Southgate: WRC23 preparatory activities are intensifying

The Chair of IARU Region 1 Spectrum and Regulatory Liaison Committee, Barry Lewis G4SJH, reports on the WRC23 preparatory activities

On the IARU-R1 site he writes:

As WRC23 gets closer so the preparatory activities for all the agenda items are increasing in intensity. The most pressing for the amateur community is the 23cm band radio navigation satellite service (RNSS) coexistence agenda item 9.1b. The IARU engagement is continuing with the studies in the regulatory institutions as well as amongst the amateur community. As detailed proposals are starting to emerge so the amateur community needs to be ready to defend its interests in this band.

Most recently the Region 1 PRC and SRLC collaborated to provide a consultation response to the European Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) that develops “Opinions” on the various WRC23 agenda items used by the European Union to develop its positions on the agenda items. Of course the 23cm band related agenda item 9.1b features heavily in the response. The full IARU R1 response can be found here. This is a parallel activity to the EU consultation to which the IARU responded just a few weeks ago (here).

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