NewsWest for Sunday 14th August is the History of Amateur Radio edition. On this day 982 years ago, in 1040, King Duncan I of Scotland was killed in battle against his first cousin and rival Macbeth (not murdered in his sleep as in Shakespeare’s play).
Macbeth succeeded him as King. I’m reliably informed that neither Duncan 1st nor Macbeth were Radio Amateurs.
Useless trivia aside, today we’re talking Amateur Radio history. Why was the morse code phrase ONOGO broadcast out of Perth? This sequence of morse characters is part of our radio history here in Western Australia. Keep listening for the full story.
We wish you well in the Remembrance Day Contest, or a restful recovery if you’re listening to the news in the evening, and I hope the RD contest went well for you.
Our website is VK6.NET, and you can contact us by email.Our address is newswest at
NewsWest can be heard on air, online and on demand. Visit our website,, to find out how. ** Now also on YouTube – search for “VK6 NewsWest” **
NewsWest invites programme contributions. You can send yours as email attachments to – our editorial policy is that items should be about Amateur Radio, and relating to, or of interest to, Radio amateurs in Western Australia.
Originating in Perth Western Australia, NewsWest is produced by WA Amateur Radio News for listeners on-air, on-line and on-demand.
Whichever way you’re listening, whether you’re a licensed radio amateur or not, experienced or just a beginner, old or young, thanks for being here and thanks for joining us.
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Producer: Bob VK6POP
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