This year’s 10th Youngsters on the Air Summer Camp will be held in Karlovac, Croatia, from August 6 to August 13.
Attending from the Americas will be Mily, YS1YXI, along with her father, Juan, YS1JFE, as the team leader.
Canadian youth (under the age of 25) are encouraged to help Mily, YS1YXI, from San Salvador and others at the camp as they look to win the Camp Award for QSOs made.
But, you can be a part of the event too! YOTA Team Croatia (HRS) established an Award which everyone can achieve by working the Youngsters On The Air during the Summer Camp 2022.
This award is awarded based on a defined number of points. Each QSO with a 9A YOTA station (9A22YOTA, 9A1YOTA, 9A2YOTA, 9A3YOTA, 9A4YOTA, 9A5YOTA, 9A100QO) in a different band/mode combination (slot) earns you one point. Duplicates do not count.
Valid QSOs will be QSOs made from August 6, 2022 0000 UTC to August 13, 2022 2359 UTC.
Operators under the age of 25 on January 1, 2022 can register online at for additional benefits.
All Amateur Radio bands including WARC, VHF, UHF and satellites will be used using SSB, CW, FT8, FT4 and RTTY.
The prize for platinum position operators above the age of 25, is s 9A5N key plus a weekend break for a family of four in the city of Karlovac, Croatia.
The prize for platinum position operators under the age of 25, is a CircuitMess Synthia plus a surprise. Special thanks for the Youth award at the platinum level goes to If you don’t win, you can get 20% off their subscriptions using the discount code “YOTA20” !
You can see the Summer Camp award leaderboards at:
For all the details, visit: Upcoming: 10th YOTA Summer Camp Croatia 2022
YOTA Croatia 2022 – Youngsters On The Air (
Read more – Radio Amateurs of Canada
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