Thirty-seven amateur radio clubs benefitted from $500,502 in grants through the ARRL Club Grant Program to implement projects that educate,...
Designed by Martin Alcock (VE6VH) with support from the Alberta Digital Radio Communications Society (ADRCS), the IP400 Network Project is...
The first ARRL contest of 2025 is about to begin. The ARRL RTTY Roundup is this weekend. The event begins...
Simple Conversational Amateur Message Protocol (SCAMP) is a weak signal digital mode developed by Dr. Daniel Marks (KW4TI). Originally integrated...
There was a time when ham radio operators were known for having long conversations over the radio — rag chewing,...
A thermal camera is a very handy tool to have, and wanted to try out the Thermal Master P2 for...
The latest version of FreeDV includes a new digital voice over HF mode titled Radio Autoencoder (RADE). Previous updates have...
The Unicom Radio Club (URC) is hosting its inaugural URC DX RTTY Contest to be held on October 4th. Operators...
Amateur radio operators may now support the APRS Foundation through a $20 per year membership option. Becoming a member helps...
We live in a time where there’s virtually no excuse not to have some kind of oscilloscope. As shows in...
M17 Activity Day is a weekly net that encourages hams to get on the air with the M17 digital voice...
Ever played poker over FT8? YouTuber Steve McGrane, KM9G (@temporarilyoffline), and his friends at the YouTube channel Coffee and Ham... is a new wiki started by DK1MI which aims to highlight all things open source in amateur radio. From hardware...
RNode is an open source, unrestricted digital radio transceiver based on — but not limited to — the Reticulum cryptographic networking stack....
In the ever-evolving landscape of radio technology, the Assembled HackRF PortaPack emerges as a powerful tool, elevating the capabilities of the renowned HackRF...
How do you convert an old cockpit instrument into a clock? Easy: just build a circuit that convinces it it’s...
SAN DIEGO, California and NEWINGTON, Connecticut – Today, Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) and The ARRL Foundation announced a three-year...
What do you need to make a radio transmitter? There are builds that work with just a couple of transistors....
Almost $70,000 are on the way to expand and upgrade the Southwest Missouri Regional Skywarn Ham Radio Repeater System. The...
The LoRa radio communication system is useful for low-bandwidth communication, and as many readers will be aware its special skill...
The Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications (DLARC) has now added over 90,000 items to its collection of amateur radio related...
Digital modes are all the rage these days in amateur radio — hams are using protocols like WSPR to check...
Computers connected to networks are constantly threatened by attackers who seek to exploit vulnerabilities wherever they can find them. This...
The amateur radio community often gets stereotyped as a hobby with a minimum age requirement around 70, gatekeeping airwaves from...
Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) has released it's 2022 Annual Report detailing grants made for amateur radio projects. In 2022,...